Final Music Video

Wednesday 28 April 2010

Evaluation: Part One, 2

How this was achieved
  • The dominant use of black

When analyzing Rock genres, I came across dark tones constantly. It cannot be denied that: the eyes of rock listeners are used to darker shades, in comparison to a pop listener who prefers tones more illuminated. As a media student, realizing the importance of a targeted audience and accepting the generalization to which I needed to work towards, the colour scheme which I worked upon remained with a black background and a hard tone of red complimented with white. This allowed me to construct a relevant promotional package attracting listeners of the stereotypical rock genre. However, the underlying political tone of the band narrowed down the targeted audience and was represented through the visual elements.

I created an abstract piece containing:
  • A hammer & sickle with a strong fist - highlighting the rebellious nature of the band,
  • Side profile of an unknown genre - gave me the opportunity to use the tone red and also highlight that the band had no specific gender stereotypes and was open to both male/female
  • Urban City Life - giving a clear portrayal of the location of the band
  • Ying-Yang - adding a notion of philosophical meaning to the band as it represents good/evil (the dystopia we live in against a utopia we (the band) dream and aim to achieve through their music)

Through the incorporation of all that stated, I managed to develop media conventions and led to the engagement of my target audience with my produced product.

In regard to my Music video, media conventions were used through:

Experimented Cinematography
  • The editing did not take the form of 'continuity' and therefore, defied the laws of a 'structured' music video. When analyzing other rock music videos, it was in fact highly noted that a lot of narrative and structure was present. The absence of a specific structure caused the forms of traditional media to be challenged.
  • Disorganized use of effects such as 'overlapping' the scenes and the use of red also challenged the 'neat' mediated videos that individuals are familiar to. (i have put into chronological order a sequence from the video in order to illustrate the montage edit of the music video which continues in a similar way.)
this is the first sequence of my music video. it does not follow a certain narrative, nor does it have a structured way of expressing itself; the structure of it is being un-structured and without narrative.
it worked well as it met the genre of the music along with the reputation of the band. the constant change in location confirms the narrative side to the music video as nothing is solid and constantly changes. 

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