Final Music Video

Friday 7 May 2010

Evaluation: Part Four

Question: How did you use media technologies in the construction and research, planning and evaluation stages?

Software Used for Main Media Product (Music Video) : Final Cut Pro
Software Used for Ancillary Text: Adobe Photoshop
Other Technologies: Digital Camera & Recording Camera


The construction of the groups Music Video involved a lot of filming, re-filming and location. We used the camera in many different ways:
  • hand held
  • on the tri-pod
  • left it on for hours and hours to capture the sky and the movement of the clouds
  • hid the camera when we wanted to capture footage of something which may have required neutrality
1) applying influences

here is the way in which we manipulated Bob Dylan's, Subterranean Homesick Blues music Video with our own. This theme continued with another card: "Be the Change" and "Unity Makes Strength" We managed to play around with the contrast of the footage in order to highlight the red within the card.

These two photographs were taken by an ordinary digital camera and uploaded onto Photoshop. On Photoshop I managed to silhouette these two characters out so that they fit well with the concept of the 'faceless society' within my album. The two colours I chose were red and white as it was going against a black background.

<- This shot at Piccadilly Circus allowed us to manipulate the advertisements of great consumerism to fit our own message. By taking out the existing advertisement and replacing it with the face of a band member miming the lyrics to the song, it was successful in creating an ironic paradox. This editing technique pushed the tools of FinalCutPro to its top potential as it is evident of great skill and manages to keep the engagement of the audience constant as it is unique and detailed.  

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