Here is the finished product of my Magazine Advert. I have managed to keep to my original idea of Red/Black, however, have also incorporated a hand drawn abstract piece which is supposed to support my Album Title: Faceless Society. I paid effort to maintain the theme of the 'unknown' as I have dismissed the stereotypical conventions of the bands photographs. In fact, there aren't any photographic medias used within it but a combination of what I, myself, have drawn and copy-right free vectors found on the net.
I think I have managed to improve my Photoshop skills immensely! I never knew how to used Photoshop before I'd begun the task and it was challenging at first, however, now I have evolved into a much better media student with sufficient knowledge of yet another software. I hope to use what I have learned and advance it further now that I know the foundational elements of it.
This experience has added a lot to my media understanding of the music industry and the advertising aspects of it. I can conclude now that it is if not the most, one of the most important aspects of the system. Without the advertisement then the communication of the band/art is hard and in order to succeed in this you have to spend a lot of time, effort and most importantly thought into constructing your creative ideas - especially if you have no budget, it is even harder than if you do.
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