Final Music Video

Wednesday, 25 November 2009

other inspirations #; unite against gun/knife crime logo

This is something I came across when doing further research into marketing my product. Though the message which it implies differs from 'hypnotize' and is about gun&knife crime,it could be related as it contains a deep MEANING.

In terms of graphics, the simplicity of it inspired me. Ironically, red is also used which confirms that this colour is brilliant to get the target audience invovled with your produce. Like wise to my aim of preventing stereotypical characters, this advertisement also dismisses the use of actors, who in this case, most probably would have been a young black teenager.

I feel that i'll adapt this simple format, perhaps add some form of animation or extra computerized effect in order to persuad my target audience to purely concentrate on their individual interpretation of my product and message, rather than leaving room for sociey's influence over it.

Tuesday, 24 November 2009

Faceless Society

This is just an experimental piece of the ideas brought together. I have simply reconstructed the statement in the album name and believe that creativity will build up from here.

Preperatıon For Marketing

Group/Band name: Ataraxia.

Ataraxia is another term used to describe tranqulity, peace, freedom and liberation. I feel that it represents the song choice decided upon as the lyrics in the song consist of : "they disguise it hypnotize it." As a Media Producer I aim to encourage my consumers to find themselves and break free of the bad influences of society. Hence, the lack of physical attributes as it is important that one feels beauty and not look it.

Album name: Faceless Society.

Faceless society is pretty self explainatory as it defines and mirrors that stated above^. Again, applying emphasis of the absense of stereotypical features present within society.

Preparation for Marketing of our Product

We've recently been introduced to the second section of the portfolio which is to market our music artist(s) through magazine advertisement and a DVD cover of their album.

Reading deeper into the work and progression of Jay-Z influenced me into giving my target audience the philosophy rock music implies. I have chosen to eliminate any stereotypical features such as a centred icon or clothing wear, therefore there will be no person from the band, but a reflection upon our music video consisting of people on a general sepctrum.